
Trails and Trials [AW Hunt]



6 Years

03-05-2022, 11:16 PM

Skinning was never a pretty process, something the valkyrie understood better than most. The rending of hide from flesh... ah, but it was necessary. There was so much in their lives that was necessary but maybe less than ideal. Ever alert, Sanngriðr listened intently as he spoke of... of destiny. Of... of Valhalla? Though the valkyrie was certain she'd heard him right, he'd only used the common tongue to address her. There was no discernable familiar accent to the way he spoke, and he doesn't... hm. Maybe he just hadn't figured she spoke anything other than common. That could be all well and good, after all. The polite sort, not wanting to make assumptions. For now, she'd go with that.

Still, to be the heir of Valhalla, one would have to be flesh and blood of Odin himself. That was quite the title to assign. Maybe the belief system would be different this far from home. Maybe... maybe this Ardyn did really believe that he was flesh of the gods himself? This was a thought that Sanngriðr considered for only a moment. That didn't seem right, either. Though there was the prevailing belief that the gods walked among them, there was no telling which this would be. Certainly not the silent god, her brother's own namesake, for he'd already spoken too much. He couldn't be Baldr, for what need would Baldr have for Valhalla-- he had Breiðablik, after all. It had been prophesized that Váli would survive even Ragnarök, so maybe that's who the man before her claimed to be. She didn't think that he'd be Þórr, the high towering, the thunderspeaker. No, even Sanngriðr would feel it, had that been the case.

Ah, no matter. It would be rude to ask, after all. "Skuld ler mot dig," the words are spoken with an expectant smile. It would be nice to meet someone outside of her family that could keep up in the mother tongue. Any son of Odin's, heir of Valhalla, would be able to speak with her in this way... right? He spoke of a pack of his own, to the south and the west of here. How far off course had she gotten? Sanngriðr had ended up here in the first place after getting lost... right. Being turned around is what had gotten her into this most interesting turn of events.

"Tack så mycket," she nods as Ardyn leaves her with a piece of the deer. Without ceremony, she rips into the meat. It's without elegance, but who needs elegance? She's a valkyrie, after all. Pleased with herself and with the hunt, as well as her company, she'd be able to enjoy a meal before returning home.

Kom och hata mig.

Sanngriðr speaks with a Swedish accent.
Sanngriðr's threads may be rated M for use of mature language.