
I need a white rug



Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
03-06-2022, 01:16 AM

Chade liked the mountainy crag. The wind blew across, slapping bits of ice against his rich blue coat, flecks of it landing on the less protected muzzle. There was something about the chill, and wind that seemed to just make all small details more noticeable. It always gave him a bit more energy and the rocky terrain of sharp edges and some rather thin or narrow bits of land, slick ice frozen on them meant having to pay more attention, and that just made things better. There were more caves to this place than fish in the ocean! Sure felt like it anyway. Ry loved exploring so he’d probably love it up here also. The only thing was the dangers up here.

It wasn’t just the terrain but the polar bears up here and who knows what else wasn’t something to laugh about. For every exciting cave to poke his head in there was a chance of finding he’d pissed off a big white mass of fur with claws and teeth of respectable size. Chade loved it but that wouldn’t be Ricin’s favorite part. Maybe they needed to travel up here together at some point. Ry the explorer and Chade the guardian.

Chade stopped at the entrance to a cave that he hadn’t tried before. Chade sniffed at it, he smelled bear but it wasn’t overly fresh. Chade slowly made his way inside, glancing about as he moved. Yeah, claw marks on the rock wall were definitely from a bear and he was willing to bet those sharp bits of bone on the ground were the remainders of a polar bear meal. Chade glanced back towards the cave opening, brow furrowing then shrugging. The scent was old so there shouldn’t be a polar bear hiding out in here.

Chade spent a good hour or so exploring the cave, it had narrowed considerably at points then widened again but eventually, there was an end and he turned around to head back. As Chade got close to the entrance the blue wolf realized he was in a bit of trouble. There, sticking its head into the cave, huffing deeply stood a polar bear.

Chade stared at it, the bear stared at him. Neither moved then as if in concert together Chade squared off and snarled just as the bear roared at the same time. They had agreed, this cave wasn’t big enough for the both of them. Problem was the bear had more room to maneuver than Chade did. Chade showed off his fangs again and charged straight for the bear's face, eyes blazing with the threat to kill.

The bear lifted up a paw, swatting towards the air as if to suggest Chade come closer. Chade came in close, bear paw lowered and the bear’s mouth opened. Chade smiled grimly and slowed. The bear stepped towards him, its head entering the cave and Chade spun tightly around so that the bear followed him deeper in. That’s right, now the polar bear had less maneuverability also.

Chade turned around snarling again at it. Really, the situation still wasn’t ideal The thing was a monster in size, it had some scars on it but somehow they just made it long that much stronger. Oh well, big ol’ polar bear rug coming up.

Word count: 547

"Chade & Ricin"
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