10-02-2013, 05:30 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-02-2013, 06:57 PM by Medusa i.)
She was surprised, despite the difference in species, that he was such a typical man. He was caught up in hormonal drives, in the desire to fuck and control, and Medusa was nothing if not a puppet master. Her manipulations knew few limits, her morality almost nonexistent, and thus she lacked any sense of depravity from her actions. The words he spoke made her laugh. ?Ni las mujeres aprecian ser empujadas por un senor doble de nuestras tamano. Pues, alguenas mujeres,? (nor do women appreciate being pushed around by a male twice their size. well, certain women) she jested, the insinuation rather obvious.
The cat pulled forwards, and Medusa would turn towards him, her head twisting to the side. A smirk danced upon her dark lips, moonlight-colored eyes glittering with curiosity. ?Y Como mejoraria a mi?? (How would you improve me?) she crooned, wondering what it was this pussy cat desired of her.