
Food A-Plenty



3 Years
03-06-2022, 03:06 PM
An ear swivelled back in indecision, pondering his words and relaxed mannerisms. The male didn't appear to be tricking her or have malicious intent if his easy going nature was any indication- but past experiences had taught her to always be on guard around strangers no matter how nice they appeared. A loud grumble resounding from her stomach made the decision for her to place some trust in him.

"You seem experienced when it comes to hunting, I never even considered traps to bring larger prey down. Where I came from we only ever hunted traditionally in packs."

"That's a very fancy, long name." It seemed to match his glowing coat and intimidating size, there must be something in the water; where Shahara came from the wolves were all similar in size and colour. It intrigued her more than a little. "It's nice to meet you too."

Forcing her legs to propel her forward, falling in step with Ardyn, grateful that he remained thoughtful of her shorter stride and kept a pace easy for her to follow, listening intently to his instructions and absorbing it all since it would be valuable experience for survival.

Shahara tipped her head back in curiosity and spotted the raven wheeling above them. She'd spotted him earlier when attempting to hunt her rabbit and thought nothing of it then. "Hmm, so that's how you found me. Eyes in the sky, smart." She nodded to herself and considered his plan, not that she had much to add.

"Alright got it. I'll get behind him and chase him towards the herd and into your paws and help you bring him down once you have a hold." She recounted proudly, before pulling her ears back and eyeing Ardyn seriously. "I'll see you on the other side. I'll try not to let you down."

Shahara turned and slunk off into the long grass, pausing now and then to get her bearings and ensuring she was headed in the right direction, whilst also keeping enough distance between herself and the buck so as not to be noticed, ensuring she didn't spook him too early. She hated to be a disappointment after all.

After a while the small wolf finally stopped and glanced up into the sky, momentarily squinting at the brightness until she finally spotted Lyr, waiting patiently for the signal, heart in her throat with both excitement and trepidation.

At the tell tale tip of the raven's wings, Shahara finally moved forward, stalking through the grass, not wanting to charge forward just yet, cautious of her stamina. Finally, the she wolf was close enough to be noticed. Jumping forward with a fearsome snarl for such a small wolf, startling the buck and sending it fleeing towards the herd. As discussed she gave chase paws pounding on the dirt kicking it up behind her the musk of buck strong in her nose and the pleasant burn of her muscles; staying a small distance behind and ensuring it didn't veer off course.