
Into the Oceans We Ride [RAID]



Master Fighter (290)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

By the skin of my teethSnake EyesVengeanceMammoth HunterHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
03-06-2022, 04:44 PM

Dunkan was on a patrol, borders and all. Eyes cold, expression unaffected by anything as always. All that was on his mind was to secure his home even if he wants told to, he did things without being told. Something he brought from his childhood, do things instead of wisting for others to do it. Brown hairs flew with the ocean's breeze, finding his paws sink in the sand, pristine sand. All felt calm until...a bunch of idiots decided to invade his fucking pack. He wasn't in the mood for Stupids. Didn't they know where they were fucking attacking? They risked getting maimed by such stupid move. He rushed, calling for both Kaira his hawk and Urasa, the jaguar. Putting of his lion head helmet with the mane and his claw gloves. He didn't say nor made any expression he would rather attack on the act, the bitch was going to pay. No games.

She was a moron to think Feinmere was just about to give them what they asked without a fight.

He went right toward the leader, but instead of a frontal approach he was about to do so in an sneak blow. He was against a larger wolf but that mattered little, size was never an impediment to his skills. The taller one is the harder and easier is to fall. He aimed to go behind and try to sneak on the pirate's rear for then attempting to slam as hard as he could against the Sparrow back end, for simultaneously attempting to bite on the spine, in the portion of the tail base. Urasa placed himself in front, to block any escape routes. Kaira up in the sky ready to alert him of any unseen danger.

Specialty: Knight
Dunkan vs Sparrow for Raid
Round 1/2
Age: +1
Size: Large
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Lion Claw Gauntlets
Defensive Battle Accessory: Lion skull helmet
Companion 1: Jaguar, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Red-tailed hawk, Female - Flying
Skills: Master Fighter & Expert Intellectual
Specialty: Knight


Art + Code by CloudyNight
He has a male Jaguar Named Urasa and a female red tailed hawk named Kaira ,They are always around him unless told otherwise
He wears a lion skull with mane and claw bracers.