
Lover's Quarrel


10-02-2013, 06:53 PM

Acute auds captured her friend's agreement, and it made Aurora glad Song felt the same way. She watched the pearl woman prepare, and ready her defenses in preparation for the spar. When she told the icy temptress she was ready, the dame went into action.

Moonstone orbs closed to slits to protect them from the chance of attack, yet her vision remained clear, her partner clear as day in her view. Thick fur raised upon her hackles, adding protection, and making the already large woman appear even taller. Perfectly shaped auds, rounded where most wolves' were pointed, flattened against her delicate skull to keep her acute ability for hearing safe. Lowering her head between her shoulders, and laying her tail level with her spine, she bunched her muscles in preparation to attack. Powerful paws splayed even wider, balance resting on her strong toes. She bent her knees slightly, ready to leap into action. Lifting her ebony lips, she bared formidable pearl daggers. A growl rumbled in her throat, and she was ready to go.

She began to circle her friend, until the creamy she wolf's flank was in front of her. Lunging forward, she moved like a bullet towards the other woman, long front legs pulling her forwards at an astounding rate, closing in on the smaller ivory she wolf quickly. With only inches to spare from impact, she quickly tucked her head to the side, throwing her weight into her petite shoulder and heading straight for Song's side. The impact from the larger wolf would knock her over, or at least throw her balance long enough for Aurora to put her body to work.

Fight Stats

Round: One of Three

Defenses: Hackles up, eyes slitted, ears flat against head, tail lowered and head between shoulders to protect throat and underbelly, toes splayed, weight balanced on toes, knees slightly bent, muscles bunched?

Attacks: Circling Song until she could get at her flanks, throwing force into her shoulder to butt into her side and knock her around or throw her balance.

Injuries: None so far.

Out Of Character Notes: I've never done this before, so be prepared for this to suck major dragon balls.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think