
I need a white rug



Expert Fighter (180)

Expert Navigator (180)

11 Years
Large species

Critical Observation!OverachieverPride - Pansexual
03-06-2022, 10:10 PM

The donkey moves through the snow and ice that covers the mountain’s side, small hooves carrying Oscar further upward. Caves dot the exterior of the mountain, promising adventure, treasures, and possible hidden death. The wind kicks up and the grumpy ass pauses to hunch his shoulders and lower his broad head in a vain attempt to brace against the bitter bite of the breeze. Nugget sits fluffed out on the fuzzy ass’s rump, grumbling threats toward the stubborn donkey. Even as the ass feels the freezing breath of air cross his body, he smirks, the thrill of adventure and hidden dangers makes him feel alive. Nugget… not so much. The rooster’s body quakes against the icy temperature and Oscar turns his head to check on his shaking friend.

Brows knit together in worry and the donkey huffs out a sigh, saying, “Oi Nugget. Why didn’t ya tell me ya was so cold?” Blue eyes look over the rooster as guilt tugs at Oscar. Nugget’s beak clatters together as he says, “I-I told you. I’m no-not built for this sh-shit!” The glare he offers the ass has Oscar turning his head back to the front, he doesn’t want the rooster to see the shame and worry that take up residence there. He starts moving again, vowing to himself that he will duck into the first cave he sees and curl around Nugget to try and warm his friend up. And he keeps his promise. The donkey’s small frame is easily dwarfed by the cavern that Oscar finds himself in.

Blue eyes roam the area, looking for a small spot that the ass and rooster can tuck themselves into and not be easily visible by predators. A short way in, Oscar finds just such a spot and he makes his way over. He notices the labyrinth of tunnels that snake off the main chamber but the ass is too worried about Nugget to go exploring right now. Once he is certain that they will be hidden from sight, the donkey folds his front legs to bring himself down to his knees. From there it makes it to his belly as Nugget moves off his butt and toward his head. His front legs form a nest and the roost plops between them, fluffing out his feathers before borrowing into the donkey’s chest. Oscar places his head over Nugget, tucking the rooster firmly into his chest while offering it the most amount of body heat. With that the ass closes his eyes and…

A snarl rips Oscar out of his impromptu slumber. Blue eyes flash up as a roar quickly follows and the donkey moves to stand. The rooster is already moving, hopping onto the grumpy ass’s frame and running down to his normal perching spot. Once on his hooves, the donkey races out into the cave and spies the familiar blue coat of Chade. Snorting in amusement, Oscar watches as the kid turns and runs past him. Wait, what? There is no time to think as the polar bear is charging straight at the dazed ass. Holy shit! Small legs churn as he runs after the blue wolf’s retreating form, hollering, “Oi kid! Ya got a plan?” Nugget pecks the donkey butt, hard and Oscar brays out in alarm. That was the signal the predator was getting closer. Shit! The bear runs fast! Spying a tunnel, Oscar races for the opening and makes a sharp turn into it.

The bear is too slow and races past, a roar following after Oscar. The donkey yells, “Fucking bear! Go pick on someon’ ya own size!” Damn kid had to go and bring a bear where he had been sleeping.

Total WC: 1161

"Oscar Monaghan"
| "Nugget"

Be warned! Oscar can (and often times will) be an ass!
Oscar has a thick Irish accent and a Cochin Rooster companion named Nugget who is always nearby