
I need a white rug



Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
03-06-2022, 10:29 PM

Chade glanced behind him as he saw Oscar but he wasn’t ready to slow down yet, “Find a spot where the tunnel widens so I can try to get around behind him.” Chade called back to Oscar, his head turning around to look at the bear. “This is a lousy spot to fight him.”

The bear is growing overconfident so Chade spins around to charge it, teeth shown off as he recklessly lunges in, biting the bear's large muzzle.  Chade had to ignore how close he was to the huge teeth and claws.  He wasn’t trying to grip or even worry about damage done right now.  He just wanted to slow the bear down so there was some distance between it and them.  

The bear’s paw swiped at Chade and the wolf hopped over it, only to find the other paw swatting the blue wolf and his body colliding with the solid wall.   Crap!  Chade got to his feet, his body working even while his mind caught up with it.  He saw a bear pear and big ol’ claws coming for him.  Chade stepped back then lunged in at the right moment to crunch down on the bear’s paw, glaring defiantly at it before running again.

“There has to be a good spot right?” His ears were ringing from the smack into the cave, but his body was moving at least.  “How far in here have you gone?”  Chade gave his head a shake, glancing back behind him.  The bear took a second to roar at the two of them before giving chase again.  “Man, this is embarrassing…” Chade didn’t want to admit to running.  “Keep coming,” Chade snarled at it, “You’ll be on my den floor soon enough.”

WC 289
Total 1450

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