
runnin' late with half your makeup on

seer (sir)



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years

OverachieverScarredTeacherCritical Dodge!Double MasterSamhain 2022
1KCritical Attack!
03-06-2022, 11:02 PM
The Warlord's praise shines warmly on the red and pale child's shoulders, and she can't help but grin. He approved! Not only did Seer approve, but she was ready to take the jaguar on. As it landed before her, Hazel was electric. Alive with anticipation and excitement. Yes, all of it was good fun-- genuinely good fun. Already, Hazel was wrapped up in combat with the cat. She moves quickly, though not nearly as gracefully as her adversary. No, the creature that moved before her seemed to have grace in its blood, in its bones. Would she ever learn to move like that?

Hazel caught the jaguar's claw to her shoulder, but she's too hopped up on the energy that came from the fight. It makes contact with her right shoulder, though the pup quickly corrects herself, righting her course. It was the same lesson from training, and she didn't drop her guard nearly as much this time. Not perfect, but getting better. The energy that came from a fight like this it's... wow. She's enchanted by it, she loves it. Hazel comes absolutely alive with it. Seer (sir) lets go a growl that's enough to distract the jaguar, and Hazel finds her opening. Being careful not to drop her guard this time, the red and pale pup throws herself into the space where the cat's neck and shoulder meet, leading with her teeth. She can't help but find a growl, a snarl, ripping free from her throat. There were few things more fun, in her eyes, than a fight.
