
Excitement and Awe



5 Years
10-02-2013, 07:46 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

She had still been quite young when her father had moved her and the rest of her siblings to their new home, was still presently young now, but even so she had a strong opinion regarding the whole thing. Overall she had been unimpressed with the new land, finding herself longing for the safety and comfort of her old den back in Amenti when comparing it to the one she now had within the territory known as Ludicael. It was strangely different here, not at all what she was used to though she had only been confined to the den for the beginning portion of her life, a rule that seemed to be universal among the wolves because even when her mother was not there to keep the strict order up there was always someone else to do it.

And finally, at long last, she was free to wander, though still her disinterest had proven strong. Not even outside the den could Ludicael catch her interest, the waters proving to be a greater annoyance than they had anything else. She had tried getting over her dislike of them by treading through the shallows but it had only proven to make the slick grey fur fall flat against the plains of her spindly puppy legs. Silvery blue eyes had continued to stare about as she wandered aimlessly with a bored and unimpressed stare, searching for any redeeming qualities and falling short.

That is, until nightfall. For a first day out of the den and allowed to move about on her own, she had thought the events of it all to have been rather pitiful at best, lacking in any sort of excitement or awe. But all it took was for the sun to slip below the horizon and for the stars to begin twinkling overhead in the darkening night sky. In the stillness as the night settled over the territory, just as Callisto had set herself on a path back toward her den so that she could rest her now weary eyes, she caught the first faint glow. The unexpectedness of it as it danced along the waters from the corner of her eye made her glance listlessly at it at first and then promptly do a double take.

The little black and grey pup stopped in her tracks and her pale eyes stared transfixed at the spot near the edge of the water, watching as it seemed to gather a sudden faint, bluish glow. Whether it was the waters themselves or something there upon them, or even just her tired mind suddenly playing tricks on her, Callisto found herself quite unexpectedly excited. "Wow." The single whispered word fell from her muzzle. Not even what she had seen of Amenti from the opening of her den had been like this. Carefully, as if uncertain of the glow either harming her or disappearing, she crept closer with slow steps upon the damp earth, venturing nearer to the spot where the glow emanated from. Pausing just before it, she stood within the reach of its pale light, silvery highlights starting up along the edges of her fur until, unexpectedly, it faded completely.

Her silver blue eyes blinked as the light disappeared, confused, disappointed, and maybe just a little nervous. Where had it gone? Where had it come from? Turning her head to either side to peer along the waterway, Callisto searched for another source of pale glowing light, feeling considerably less tired now that her mind had something fascinating to focus on.

OOC: I'm not sure how this light stuff actually works, but this is how I'm interpreting it. xD