


10-02-2013, 07:55 PM

It didn't take long for the woman to find the borders of Tortuga. She had heard whispers of a blue brute taking over an abandoned pack, and sure enough she followed his scent straight to his new home. The border stunk strongly of his musky cologne, teasing her nostrils. But the silver woman had no desire for her one time lover. Instead she wanted to rip the fucking bastards throat out. Winter had come, her birth season. But she had not yet come into heat. Surely it meant only one thing.

Powerful limbs pushed her across the border without so much of a blink of an eye. Nostrils flared, searching for only one male, and one male alone. Paws fell silently against the earth, her crown carried with her tail. He would pay for doing this to her! The stronger his scent became the faster she moved until she finally laid eyes on him. Not once did her gait ever falter. "You bastard!" An outraged snarl ripped from her inky lips, ears flat against her scalp. Solid muscle moved to collide with the larger man, fangs bared and seeking purchase anywhere they could.

Only one thing was on her mind. She wanted his throat. Ripped from his body. She wasn't even in heat when he fucked her! How could he? Was it even possible? Apparently. Seething with rage, snarls and growls continued to crack like a whip as she lashed out with fangs and claws against his dark pelt. She had approached from some brush to left, stampeding with no warning, flinging herself at him. It was certain to take him by surprise. Who would have thought the pair would ever see each other again?

Meanwhile, Cena followed at a far more leisurely pace. She knew it would happen one day. Someone would get her companion knocked up. Later she would taunt the woman, but for now she let her anger be directed away from herself, and at the misfortunate man. When cyan eyes finally settled on the man who had planted his seed within Cat, it came as no surprise that Cat would screw him. He was certainly attractive but the feline had no interest in wolves. The terrain was foreign to her, but the spotted cat sought out safety in a nearby tree, climbing out on a limb to watch the action unfold.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"

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