
Into the Oceans We Ride [RAID]



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
03-08-2022, 01:42 PM

Scylla was doing what Scylla did, which was... whatever in the hell she wanted. On this particular day, the dainty girl had been cleaning up her newest acquisition. She'd come across a traveler that had some armor to sell and Scylla just so happened to have a bit of currency to trade with. The dusty leather had caught her eye and, as she tried it on, it seemed that the armor had been crafted especially for her. Yes, there was a bit of room to grow, but that was what the adjustable buckles were for, wasn't it? Taking it home, the girl had oiled the leather that covered the steel plating until it gleamed like rich obsidian. Oh yes... she would look nice in this.

Mismatched ears perked as Cerberus called out. Their home was being invaded? Great excuse to wear her new armor! With her long tail already braided, Scylla buckled on her new armor, strapped her curved blade to one foreleg, then made her way towards the shore, excitement thrumming in the girl's veins.

She wasn't the first one to arrive. Already others were squaring up with their opponents. Only one man was currently unoccupied, but not for long. Had she known that he had come here searching for some glorious battle, the fae of a child would have laughed. The slate and snow girl moved up towards him, a smile splitting her maw as she drew near. "Hey there, big guy. Looks like it's you and me, eh? You guys made a bit of a mistake, you know?" Scylla's pink nose gave a little wrinkle as she made an 'ooh, sorry' grimace. "I hope you're ready," she smiled again, visibly excited. "I've never been in a raid before so I'm not entirely sure what I'll do. I guess we'll both find out, right?"

The sweet child shifted into hardened killer like the turning of a page. Her diminutive size made it easy to move quickly, and she did just that. Scylla's long pelt bristled as she rushed the larger wolf, ears tucked back and jaws wide. She aimed to sink her teeth into one of the man's forelegs, simultaneously unsheathing her blade with her dexterous little digits. As her mouth was coming down, the blade was swiping outward, hoping to cut into the mans flesh. If she could manage to make him bleed even a little, she'd be soooo happy.


Scylla vs Gilgamesh for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age: Under 1 year
Size: Extra small
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Dagger and sheath
Defensive Battle Accessory: Steel and leather armor
Companion 1: Dark Blue Bush Viper, Female - Battle
Companion 2: Bush Dog, Male - Battle
Mutation 1: Enhanced vision - Perception
Skills: Expert Fighter & Advanced Healer
Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]