
so there was this DJ who was like kicking off




Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

Pride - Bisexual
03-09-2022, 06:04 AM

Athena has taken to patrolling the island multiple times a day and that is way she is out along the beach right now. The pinks and purples that paint the sky as the sun sets below the horizon, only sweeten the moment. Amber eyes look up to the sky, watching the great swathes of color that dance among the clouds. Suddenly, the wind shifts and the scent of blood hangs heavily on the breeze. Eyes harden as she looks forward, quickly working to follow the trail. Is it another predator that has swam across? If it is wounded it will only find death on these shores. She works carefully to stay down wind, deciding to gauge the threat before barging onto the scene.

Silent paws carry into a large bush, the woman hunkers down low as she moves closer to the metallic smell. She finds a very small wolf laying on their side, coughing, heaving out globs of sand. The side that Athena can see is scraped open several deeper cuts coloring her fur crimson red. Something seems off and so, the earthen wolf continues to inspect this stranger from a distance. Do they know they are trespassing on pack land? Their eyes are distant, unfocused and she watches as emotions play across their features. The anger that appears has the woman knitting her brows together, pondering if she should call for help or leave the wolf to her fate. For all she knows, this wolf may be bringing danger into Athena’s home.

Compassion finally wins out and the earthen woman steps from the bush, tilting her head back to call for Cerberus and a healer. Chimera had directed her to ask all questions to Cerberus and she dutifully follows the instructions. Once done, she cautiously approaches the hurt wolf, making sure to keep a safe buffer distance between them while the earthen woman weighes her options. Athena finally speaks up, saying, “Take it easy, help is on the way.” She keeps her amber eyes on the small wolf ready to subdue them if needed. After all, you can never trust a wounded animal.

"Athena Nocturna"

Athena has a Little Owl companion named Archimedes. He is always nearby.