
Sharpen the Steel

Fern - Seasonal


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
03-09-2022, 09:16 PM

Fern works the whetstone; the ringing steel of their swords making a sweet symphony in the armory. She nods to Artorias as he instructs her to sharpen all the edges to her liking and she watched as his deft paws turn the sword around in his hold. As he begins to work on the opposite edges of the Damasus sword. They talk while the blades sing, the gray girl comfortable and relaxed in the presence of her mentor, a feat she was afraid would never happen. She watches the smile that spreads across his muzzle and she matches it with her own happy one. And then, keeping her eyes on the blade she drops the bombshell, lips clamping shut hard to hold in the laugh while watching Art in her peripheral vision for his reaction. The surprise that appeared has her giggling and the gray girl’s smile grows.

When he congratulates her and calls Fern his ‘future sister-in-law’, heat floods her cheeks and the smile becomes a beam of joy. Art asks about the wedding and Fern laughs lightly, her whetstone never missing a beat. Giving a small shrug, she says, “Whenever Rudyard accepts that he has been bested.” Eyes dance with joy as she explains, “I fought him for the right to propose… and won.” Her laugh is light and happy as she remembers the look on Rudy’s face when she had sprung that surprise on him. What was she suppose to do? There was no way he was getting rid of her and Rudyard was kind of a slow mover. Glancing toward Artorias, Fern says, “I would love for you to officiate the ceremony Art. I guess I will have to try and light a fire under Rudy. I will be two at the changing of the season and time waits for no one.” Another chuckle fills the air as she tries to picture having a wedding.

Truthfully Fern had never really thought about marriage, of meeting someone she would spend the rest of her life with. This is all uncharted territory for her but the gray girl is happy to exploring it here, with family. Her question about getting Rudy a present is met with pursed lips and deep thought. Geeze, Rudy really doesn’t like stuff? She laughs at Artorias’s comment about Rudyard’s bare room, saying, “Yeah it was very bare. But, I will say that doesn’t seem to mind the additions I made.” Tossing a wink to the Aegis, Fern waits for him to look over her work. He nods in approval and she smiles while turning her sword about and setting to work on the opposite edges.

Artorias suggests getting Rudy an accessory and Fern giggles as she says, “Do you think a band with ‘Property of Fern’ would be too much?” The thought tickles her and the giggles continue for a moment as the stone works to smooth the edge. Then Art suggests planning a trip for Rudy. Oh, that is good one. Rudyard had promised to take her on adventures, what would he think if she planned one for him? Nodding to herself, the gray girl says, “I really like that idea. Rudyard has always loved adventures, maybe I can plan something special.” Ideas roll around as she checks the blade before flipping it over and starting on the final side. Lost to her thoughts and the rhythm of the whetstone, the last edge passes in silence and before she knows it, Fern is checking the edge.

Satisfied she lays the sword down and waits for Artorias’s inspection. She passes and he hands her a rag while sliding the pot of oil closer to them. Fern listens as he explains cleaning the blade and she watches as he rubs all sides of his sword with the dry cloth. The steel is beautiful and she grins in happiness at the shinning Damascus sword before Artorias dampens the rag with some oil. He explains about oiling every part of the sword and she watches for a moment as he begins to spread the oil across the sword. Fern takes the dry cloth and works to remove any blemishes or marks, taking her time and being checking her work continuously.

Once she completes that step, Fern then dips her rag in the oil and begins to work it into the sword. Starting with the blade, she works until every part of it gleams upon inspection and the turns her attention to the hilt. The leather soaks up the oil as the rag passes and she works until the crossguard and grip are well oiled and shining. Once she is satisfied with her handiwork, Fern presents the sword to Artorias and says, “Art, I don’t know if I have said this enough but… thank you. Thank you for taking me on as student. You are a great teacher.” A smile rests on her muzzles.

"Fern Lark" | "Puff"

Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.