
They Say Be Afraid

Elysium Pack Hunt



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOoze ImmuneThe Ooze Participant
03-11-2022, 10:31 PM

Kichi bobbed a nod at Duchess as she finished up the explanation, taking a moment to stretch.  The rather plain-looking grey and the white wolf was smaller than most of the other wolves, only Duchess being smaller than him.  It was almost strange to have someone as small as Duchess nearby, Kichi had grown used to wolves being taller than him despite being of decent size.

Kichi would follow Duchess and Manea, letting them choose the pace.  In Kichi’s mind, he pictured a rhino and its large size, thick skin, and giant horn, imagining the odds of one rhino and one wolf.  It would be an easy fight, for the rhino.  The only way they could make killing one work was as a team.  Would the rhino even really be inclined to run from them?  Kichi wasn’t scared by any means he just wondered if it would be a hunt or turn into a fight when the rhino decided they weren’t dangerous and they proved it wrong.  

He hadn’t spent much time around Al’s mate, not out of any desire to avoid her so much as it just hadn’t come up.  Kichi wasn’t sure what he’d talk about with her to just go and talk.  However, now as they headed towards their target he realized this was a nice chance to see how well she did in a hunt.  Not that he had any doubts, it was more this would be Kichi’s way of knowing her better.

Probably the same about her learning more about him?  Yeah, Kichi better do his best on this hunt.  He’d never hunted with a group before.  Hopefully, it wasn’t too glaringly obvious.  Maybe in the future, if he wanted to get to Manea it could be done in a way Kichi was comfortable perhaps with a hunt or spar or something.  

When duchess startled the rhino Kichi followed along after her, imitating her and doing a lot more snarling and a holler that really was completely against his style.  However, the rhino was indeed an impressive brute and Kichi was willing to cede that Duchess, and probably all the other wolves here had more experience than he did.
