



5 Years
Extra large
10-02-2013, 10:27 PM

It was one time. One time. Nothing should've come out of it. It shouldn't have happened in the first place, but the now King had felt it had been a liberating idea at the time. And it had been. It had been a way to channel his frustrations in a way that didn't involve training or fighting. It wasn't the usualy way that he handled things, but the opportunity had presented itself and then titan had gone for it. The woman hadn't been in heat, or at least he hadn't thought her to be, so their one time union should've been fine with no results to bare. But apparently it wasn't that easy. Taurig hadn't worried about it though. After he'd finished his part he had gone his own way and never looked back. He never expected to see Cataleya again. But how wrong he was.

It was a normal day, so far anyway, as the Tortugan king wandered through his territory, looking to start a round of border patrols for any wandering rogues looking to take a place among his ranks. The gargantuan was relaxed, though his guard wasn't down. Vi had boldly entered his territory without regards, so who was to say that another rogue couldn't get the same idea and decide to do the same thing. Though he was partially expecting someone to come charging through his territory demanding his attention, he just didn't expect it to be the silver woman whom he'd had a one night stand with to come charging at him like a raging bull. She cursed at him, charging towards him, jaws snapping at his right shoulder, finding purchase.

Taurig wasn't usually a man quick to anger, but when someone came at him attacking for no apparently reason, it was bound to bring out an unusual reaction from him. Without thinking about it the titan would react, nape twisting towards his right, powerful jaws looking to clamp down on the silver woman's nape, a viscous snarl erupting from his throat, wanting to pull her off or at least cause her enough pain that she would let go. There was no reason that he could think of for her to be attacking him and he wouldn't tolerate it.

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