
I Got A Blank Space




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOoze ImmuneThe Ooze Participant
03-13-2022, 12:05 AM

Kichi hadn’t been having a problem sleeping lately but there had certainly been many times that sleep had been a problem.  He remembered countless nights where fear, both known and unknown would slip into his nightmares.  Pain, betrayal, the unknown, and other things had all stalked his thoughts for so long.  Sometimes he still had the nightmares but really, not nearly as much these days.

Kichi felt safer now, and there was a reason for a future and that was enough for Kichi. “Oh,” there was only so much comfort to offer whatever hounded her dreams.  At first, it seemed that might be his only answer but really he was just thinking, wondering what could be offered for that problem.  “Come by and sleep here any evening you have problems with it.” The offer was an awkward clunky feeling thing in his mouth.

If whatever emotion or memory stalked her mind was as horrible as his had been Kichi could understand it to some degree.  A part of Kichi right then acknowledged understanding a feeling of being alone that was different than his normal sense of it.  Kichi was fine being on his own most of the time but there were horrors in his mind that could make him feel alone in a way where he suddenly wanted companionship.  Silly as it sounded the one he’d found for that before was little Torch.  It wasn’t ideal but it had been enough to cling to.  At least someone had cared, even if only a tiny helpless water deer.

Her paw touched his and it wasn’t quite as surprising or strange as the first few times she’d reached out to him, it was getting more familiar.  Her question had a note of somberness to it that wanted more than a casual answer.  “Relm, we are friends.”Kichi twitched a lip in thought, “and I don’t waste time with lots of friends.  You’re different.  I trust you.” That was a hell of a big thing for Kichi to trust someone.  A lot of wolves trusted everyone they came across but Kichi really just trusted her and Al.  Sure, the other wolves in the pack got some measure of trust to a degree but, not trust like he gave Relm.

“Whenever you want to not be alone let me know and I’ll stay with you.  No matter when.” Since Kichi didn’t have many bonds the ones he had would be guarded well.  Hopefully hearing she didn’t need to be alone would help?  Kichi would never admit it but not being alone would have helped him at times.
