
Hit the reset button



1 Year
03-13-2022, 10:41 AM (This post was last modified: 03-13-2022, 10:42 AM by Kage. Edited 1 time in total.)


Play with caution ;;

I felt the change of energy around me before I heard the footsteps that accompanied it. The sound of the movement was only a subtle crunch against the soft powder. I shifted my head from underneath my paws just enough for my eyes to lock onto what was approaching, but I didn't bother to unearth myself.

It's him... he finally found me. I thought. Immediately a towering black form moved closer to my nesting area. My heart sank, and yet surprisingly I didn't feel the urge to run anymore. Actually, the fear that had been circumventing my thoughts all of these days melted away into acceptance of death. Maybe it was just easier this way - I stiffened at the thought. When had I become such a coward?

My eyes closed once more as I concentrated on the warm air coming out of my nose and entrapping into my fur. A voice rang out and it wasn't the deep male baritone one that I was expected. Confused, I lifted my head out of the snow with purpose. Eyeing the black and white body that I now realized wasn't who I thought it was going to be. It was a feline, a large one at that. Her fur, shorter than my own, ruffled around with the wind that pushed against our bodies momentarily before dissipating. It ushered in her entrance and I felt my adrenaline rush into my body with the feeling of being unaware as to why someone decided to approach me. Why now?
Reddish optics not unlike my own was trained on me, not with some malaligned purpose or scornful judgment, but just as if she were looking at any other random object around these parts. Subconsciously, it put me more at ease. She sat a distance away from me, giving us our own personal bubble to feel comfortable in. I reluctantly relaxed, letting the stagnant air escape from my ribcage in a slow long exhale.

' You seem a little broken.' She said, her voice non-judgemental and more matter of fact. My heart ached painfully at her observation and my eyes lowered to her paws to support that claim. I felt broken. Torn. Confused. And so so sad.
I lightly ground my teeth together, unable to find the words to respond. What do I say...what could I say to that? It didn't want to validate what she saw because then I'd be confirming to myself that I was now just a sad broken wolf. I was kicked down but I still felt like I had to protect the sliver of my pride left. It wasn't in me to deny it though, for she was inevitably right. My thoughts pervaded my body, causing parts to tighten closer to my form as if it were trying to protect something inside of me. A small silent moment sat between us before I heard her follow-up question. My eyes came back up to meet hers.

"No. I'll be alright." I said almost absent-mindedly.
"I, um . . ." What could I say? What excuse or lie could I come up with to explain why I was out here? Why did I feel like I had to exonerate myself from some random stranger? I sighed gently.
"I'm just waiting on my father to come to get me." I said uncertainly.

It wasn't a lie, but it really wasn't something that I was hoping for either. I felt a pang of unease in my gut. It was as if I were manifesting my own reality here. No, I wasn't keen on lying. It's just that this cat seemed truly interested in my own disarray... and to be honest I needed something, someone to focus on rather than just the voices in my head. Hell. I should be grateful, and take this as an opportunity rather than a disturbance. So I chose to concede to her gently prying.

"If I were, you'd be able to help?" I asked, naive to the workings of those who knew healing practices. I was still young, and battling was my trade. Not fixing the result of it. But who knows. For all I was aware, I could have been on the fringes of some clan's territory, and here was their patrolling to start her interrogations. Thought, somehow I felt like that hypothesis just didn't fit.

While taking a moment to shake off the puffs of snow, I then sat up to mirror her stance. It felt more respectful than lying in a curled ball of frustration, probably a lot less sad too. I lifted my nose a millimeter to the air trying to get some sort of scent on her. The wind seemed to be working to my disadvantage here, and it pulled the edges of my maw into a small frown.

"Am I intruding on the border of your area?" My voice was lower this time, though my eyes not wavering from her penetrating gaze. Unsure if I had gotten into another situation and would have to keep running to try and find somewhere to hide. My quick-witted brain already began formulating excuses as to why I was here now and why I didn't take the time to sniff about the area.

I speakI thinkDimitri speaks
Table by Rhune. Art by Ink
