
Pirate Skulls and Bones [joining]



5 Years
Extra large
10-02-2013, 11:41 PM

She was a hunter now. A Tortugan hunter. Would she approve? He could assume that it would be the best rank that would fit her, since he had after all come across her after she'd made a kill. If he turned out be wrong, she could always come talk to him later to ask for a change in her rank, but until he heard protest from her, she would be a hunter. She had the build of a hunter. She would excel just fine.

It was clear that she didn't trust him, and he didn't hold that against her. Strangers weren't supposed to be trusted, not right off the bat anyway. Maybe as her time here in Tortuga extended she would slowly relax and learn that the titan was someone she could always rely on, no matter what. He had asked her a simple question; her name. Part of him felt like she would probably deny him, not that it would've surprised him, but he was hoping that his gentle manners and understanding would coax it out of her. It would be the first step to getting to know her and he was willing to work with her as much as she needed in order to get there.

Finally, after some deliberation, the golden beauty would decide that she would introduce herself, pulling herself to her full height before allowing her name to fall from her lips. Maija. Maija Artenie-Miklos. Maija. It was such a pretty name, very fitting for a beautiful woman. Miklos. That last name sounded like it was attached. Could she be married? She didn't have the scent of a male on her. If she was married, where was her husband? Something flared up inside the King, but just as quickly vanished, having gone unnoticed by the titan. There was something about Maija that spoke to him, something of a kinship, though he wasn't sure if there really was something or if he was making something out of nothing. As his thoughts wandered, something caught the cobalt King's attention. A look of discomfort crossed Maija's features, with seemingly no cause. Where had that come from?

She was quick to provide an answer, one of her hind legs reaching behind her to kick at the meat, claiming it to be indigestion. Taurig wasn't entirely convinced that indigestion was really the reason behind it, but he didn't pry, figuring he would know sooner or later, or maybe never. Either way it wasn't any of his business to begin with. Just as it appeared that their meeting was coming to a close, Maija would post a request, seeking the King's help in relocating her kill to somewhere more secluded and safe. With a encouraging smile the titan would nod, moving past her to stand over the carcass, ready to haul it wherever she wanted to take it. Where would you like to take it?

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