
Drop on by


10-03-2013, 12:05 AM

The boys chocolate ears would fall to the sides, a sheepish grin on his face at Symphony's remark. "Yeah, we all came...though I lost Story somewhere along the way...ehe, I'll find him again.." he responded. He stepped back as Anthem moved away, then his ears fell flat at Howl's remark. What exaclty did Song do that was so bad? Legend couldn't quite understand it, whatever it was must've been bad for Howl to be this way. He had always know his brother to be nice, though usually quiet...and today it seemed he had a lot to say. He would purse his lips as he watched the confontation, his tail wagging nervously behind him. With a sigh he moved between Howl and the others, swiping his tail against his mouth to silence him. He looked up at his brother, pleading eyes asking him to stop as he glanced at Song and the gathered siblings.

"Must this be argued about now? It's some of our first times even seeing Song, and yet we're dragged into past follies that you have about her? Look at Anthem! He's as happy as a lark to see her, I myself am not sure since I don't really know you, he looked at Song and dipped his head apologetically, but I would like to get to know you. And everyone deserves a second chance don't they? I don't know what happened with you guys before the rest of us were born, but it needs to stop now! Please? for our sake?" He would look at his siblings in turn, wondering what was running through their minds. He didn't want the family torn apart, didn't want hard feelings among them or any kind of feud. The family would be together now, and if not in the same pack at least the same lands. Minus of course their Father and Mother...and Story for now.

"Speech", Thought, You