
Fancy seeing you here... again

Ike (seasonal)



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
03-13-2022, 07:51 PM

Remus grinned as Ike settled down beside him to work on a little project along side him, glad that she had decided to stay. He felt like more often than not he could usually pick apart what others were thinking or at least how they were feeling about him, but she felt like a mystery and he kind of liked that about her—almost as much as he hated it. He wished he could just read her mind and figure out what was going on, but it wasn't that simple and it was a challenge. Luckily he wasn't one to back down from a challenge and slowly but surely he seemed to be making some kind of progress. He didn't have too much work left to do on his weapon and its holster so it was easy enough to do it absentmindedly while giving her most of his attention.

His ears perked and worry crossed his face when he noticed how her paw slipped and the long talon from one paw cut across the other, making him frown a bit with concern. She held the toe in her mouth and when she tried to smile around the injured digit he gave her a little smile back in return. However, his concern for her scratched paw was distracted by his bigger concern for her when she began whittling again while speaking about Ashen and her description of it felt kind of stiff and rehersed and trailed off as she seemed to struggle to go on. His work slowed until he abandoned it entirely, his attention absorbed by the princess at his side.

His expression softened a bit as he smiled and he let go of the rag he was working with to gently reach for Ike's injured paw instead to stop the work she was doing on the spear in her paws. He held it lightly, just turning it enough to double check the scratch and make sure it didn't look too bad. He wasn't a very good healer like his brother was, but he had picked up a couple of things here and there just from being around him so he at least knew what to look for. "We can talk about something else if you want," he suggested, bringing his emerald and ruby gaze back up to hers with a little, encouraging grin. "Why don't you tell me what kind of stuff you like to do? What do you think is fun?"

"Remus Armada"