
Tasty Treats And New Faces




Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

Pride - Bisexual
03-13-2022, 08:27 PM
Ruga’s attempts to fluster Athena work and, when the pastry lodges in her throat, she realized just how much he really is flustering her. As she coughed and hacked, the man’s chuckle reaches her ears, ringing like deep bells through her churning thoughts. One of his large paws reach over and gently pats the fluster wolf’s back and, if she wasn’t so focused on not dying, Athena might have realized just how nice it felt to have the large paw touch her. The earthen female has just entered the second year of her life and, with her coming age, came her heat. Maybe that is why she is so flustered, so… unsure of herself. The pastry dislodges and the pair continue to talk, the russet male stealing her attention away.

When Athena hums and starts to lightly trace the knuckles of his front paw, asking what work he does, he explains that he is a blacksmith and leatherworker. The earthen female continues to hum lightly, keeping her head down while bringing her eyes up to meet his sea foam green gaze. She gives him a coy smile and says, “Oh, so you’re good with your paws?” Heat floods her body at the thought of Ruga’s paws on her body and she has to mentally shake herself to hear the words he has to say. His own paw moves over to her leg as he lightly trails a claw along the inside of foreleg, the sensitive skin sending jolts of pleasure to her brain. He talks of the pack where he lives and she hums in response, no longer hearing his words as her focus is his the claw’s path.

Ruga’s paw finishes its work and he rests it over her smaller one before bring her paw to his lips. Eyelids flutter over warm amber eyes as he presses a kiss into her toes, pleasure and anticipation of more to come making the earthen female give a small moan. Everything feels heightened, Athena’s heat causing the simplest touch to feel electric. Ruga releases her small paw and shifts to fit her smaller frame into the nook of his side, the closeness of him and feel of his fur against her has a shiver racing along her spine. The light kiss on the back of her ear has another soft moan escaping as he questions her. The rumbled enquiry is answered with a sly smile and Athena breathlessly mumbles, “It does seem only fitting.”

The kisses start to trail down the curve of her cheek with light nibbles interspersed. Athena hates to admit her inexperience in sexual endeavors but Ruga seems to know what he is doing and so, the earthen female lets him work, craning her neck and giving yet another small moan. A small paw reaches for the russet male, searching for the soft fur on his leg. Slowly, carefully, she runs her paw along the fur, mummering her appreciation for the larger wolf as her heart flutters.

"Athena Nocturna"

Athena has a Little Owl companion named Archimedes. He is always nearby.