
Love I Was Wounded For You


10-03-2013, 12:24 AM

His smile settled easily over his features as he watched her with a slightly amused gaze as she slipped and then regained her footing. She was quite striking with her midnight coat and sharp yellow gaze. But despite the fact that he found her quite attractive he kept a respectful distance, not wanting to invade her personal space any more then he had to. After his run in with Valhalla's beta he learned that not all women loved his boyish charm and it had sobered him quite a bit. And the look that she was giving her sobered him even more, it was cold and appraising like someone who knew how to fight. Cynrik was more of a talker then a fighter, preferring to avoid conflict when he was able. If she was hostile... He slid a hind paw back, ready to turn and bolt if she made even the slightest move towards him.

But she spoke rather then acted and though her words were sharp and tinged with a bit of hurt pride he allowed an easy smile to slip over his features once more. "I'd rather not make this a beauty contest, I doubt it would be fair..." It was a compliment, he allowed his gaze to drift over her before tipping his head and smiling at her once more, enjoying the fluffed up coat. He knew what he looked like when wet, he looked like a drowned rat. No matter how much he shook his fur remained in matted clumps that plastered to his body until he dried, making him look even skinnier then he already appeared. He knew how feminine he looked, wasn't ashamed of it but where as now he was more often described as beautiful or delicate now as opposed to sickly or thin when he was wet.

"So what brings you here ma'am, if you don't mind me asking and don't mind the company of course..." There it was, he was giving her a very obvious out if she wanted it. But he didn't wait for her answer, instead sliding a bit closer and then cutting to the side so he approached the waters she had just emerged from. He kept his hind legs on the land, keeping her in his sights as he settled his forepaws in the water and then tipped his head down to take a drink from the cool waters. It would give her some time to think about her answer, decide if she even wanted company and then respond if she so desired or leave if that tickled her fancy. He was up for company if she decided to stay but lately he had been meeting a lot of new wolves, he wouldn't be heart broken if she decided to leave.
