
I Got A Blank Space




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
03-13-2022, 09:29 PM

Relm had stayed silent for the remainder of what Kichi had spoken back to her. Her expressions in the dark den were still mostly flat and emotionless. That was nothing new for her. But she had more going on inside. She was just the same as Kichi and maybe they saw it in each other. The strong and yet subtle connection they had, but the struggle of feeling that way towards others. They had after all met each other on and off through the last year or so. Maybe it showed just how scattered they had been until now. And somehow that one tie they had... was Alastor. Now for different reasons.

"Me too Kichi." Her eyes had been looking up at him while he spoke, but flashed back down to their paws when she did. She did trust him too, she felt comfortable around him. Not like she had to worry about his judgement whether that was good or bad. Like he already just knew her.

She took a deep breath in as he continued, ready to let out a hard truth that really wasn't so tense telling him. "I don't ever want to be alone." An easy confession. Maybe he understood. "During The Long Night..." He had been there for her, "I saw Agria... my birth mother." She didn't reveal much on the subject of Agria, but she had been haunted by her since. The Long Night had affected her deeply, others may not have seen it. Kichi may have. "Did you know... Kefka was my father. But he was also my brother?" There was more to the story, more on her mind. More that drew her to her time with Alastor and the part of her that was craving to be with him right now. But she drowned it out. Kichi was enough for her, more than enough. Alastor and Kichi were on this same level of a pyramid, regardless of her different experience with each of them. They both meant a lot to her.
