Gotta Fight For Your Right
To Party
03-14-2022, 04:07 AM
Scylla’s dagger bites into the lion’s ankle, moving easily through flesh and muscle and then Cinéad opens a deep wound at the base of the cat’s neck. They make a pretty good time. Since the huge male is keeping the large feline from bucking Athena off, she opts to release the scruff but not to leave the feline’s back. Instead she shifts to the side, aims her teeth at the thick skin on the side of lion’s throat. Teeth find purchase and Athena begins tossing her head back and forth rapidly. Her plan works as the pulling of the skin on its neck slowly widens the wound at the base. Yowling loudly, the lion shifts to try put distance between itself and the wolves. Unfortunately, for the large feline, they have other plans for it.
"Athena Nocturna"
Athena has a Little Owl companion named Archimedes. He is always nearby.