
the sun is shining the birds are singing



5 Years

Trick 2019
03-14-2022, 09:02 AM
There was a paternal instinct inside him that he never really knew or showed, not when he lived the life he had. Chimera and Fenmyre had changed him completely though, and all of those softer sweeter qualities were allowed to flourish after a harsh few years. The emotional reaction he felt when he saw tears fill Scylla’s eyes was surprising and fierce. He had no business feeling it but suddenly he wanted nothing more than to protect the child before him. Her voice quivered as she told him about a bear, and Erys knew how dangerous that could be. She was limping, but not keeping any weight totally off any limbs so at the very least none of her legs were broken. He was worried about internal bleeding, but after such stress she would have been very close to death if she were. Or at least swollen by now.

She was definitely bruised and battered though, pale silver eyes were drawn to the girl’s shoulder where the most obvious wound was. ”Sweet child,” He whispered with concern as she confessed to being thrown into the river. ”Of course I can help you,” He told her confidently, and part of him wished he didn’t have to take her back to his humble little home. ”Come on, its not too much further to a bed. I’ll make you feel better and it will be a quiet place for you to sleep.” He explained to her, knowing she could take comfort in knowing what was about to happen and the relief she had to look forward to.

Erys led her to his room if he she would allow him, and he offered up his own bed for her to get comfortable in while he gathered up a few different herbs to help her find relief from her pain and a little something to help her fall into deep healing sleep. ”Here, take a little of this.” He offered the honey tincture to her quietly. ”A little poppy to help sleep, and some comfrey salve to help your bruises.” The simplest solutions. ”How does your shoulder feel?” He asked as he looked over the wound.

"Erystotle Atlas"