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Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

6 Years
Paleo species
03-14-2022, 02:22 PM

The boy seemed to mull over her words and Taiga allowed him the time to do so. Lifting one great, alabaster paw, the woman placed a few licks here and there, righting fur that had been pushed askew by tromping across the land. In time he answered, stating that he'd be alright, not that he was alright, proving that something was indeed wrong with him. The big cat wasn't the type to dig, however. If he wanted to brush it off, then he was well within his rights to do so. When he continued, however... Rounded ears swiveled to catch the hesitating vocals and Taiga lifted one charcoal brow. The various expressions flitting over the young wolf's features were just as enigmatic as his words. He was hiding something. Whether it was from her or from himself, she didn't know. He was welcome to continue doing so if he thought that was the best course. She wouldn't pry.

Waiting for his father, the boy admitted at last. Taiga merely nodded, keeping her bloodied gaze upon the grooming that she was carrying out. One paw rested on earth once more and the other rose so that she could give it equal attention. The little red wolf didn't seem terribly excited about being collected by his father, but who was she to judge? Her father was dead. Overthrown by younger stock right before she had been pushed from her pride and abandoned in this new world. The last of her kind here, for sure.

The query about helping brought a soft chuckle from the great woman. She raised her gaze to the wolf once more and wiggled one huge, clawed paw. "These aren't exactly built for healing." Placing the paw back on the ground, the woman inhaled deeply, holding her breath for a moment before releasing it long and slow. Trails of mist accompanied her words. "I could find you someone that could help, however." Curled up as he was, she wasn't able to see any injuries, but his query made her question that. Perhaps he was injured. It was difficult to smell in such bitter cold.

Eventually the wolf unfurled himself and sat up, shaking off a bit of clinging snow. Taiga took the opportunity to look him over for the injuries that he might have, but he appeared as whole as he should be. Why would he ask if she could heal then?

A final question was posed and again Taiga chuckled, shaking her blocky skull in the negative. "No. I hold no lands. Simply passing through after a nice, hot meal." Ruby gaze fixed upon the young wolf again. "I could take you to the remainder of my kill, if you wish." Perhaps he was hungry, or perhaps this was exactly where he was to meet his father. A short trek backwards or a continuation forward. It didn't make a difference to the lioness.

Taiga is a Panthera Spelaea- a Cave Lion.

She stands 63" at the shoulder and weighs a whopping 700 lbs.