
Hit the reset button



1 Year
03-14-2022, 04:59 PM


Play with caution ;;

I wasn't too proud to admit I knew nothing about cats and what they could do. She showed me her paws and allowed a soft laugh to escape her maw while in return I couldn't help but exhale in defeat. It was worth a shot asking.

"I could find you someone that could help, however." Harks pushed forward involuntarily at her words and I looked to her with vague interest. I didn't know if I should... No, It was probably best that I didn't prod on her gesture. I could do it on my own. I shook my head no, feeling my ears lose their strain. I decided to ask if I was in an already claimed area. I didn't take the time to sniff about - thinking back on it, maybe I could have spared the moment or two.

"No. I hold no lands. Simply passing through after a nice, hot meal."
My mind momentarily humored me with the pictures of what a big cat like her actually fed on. Bears? Other cats maybe? Hell, she probably wouldeat a wolf if she wanted to. I smirked. I knew of the hoofed animals around here for I saw them on my way in. However, if I were as big as her, I probably would use my power for something better suited.
I nodded once, taking a few seconds to look around the open area and listen for any other signs of life - signs of being tracked. My nose twitched.

"I could take you to the remainder of my kill, if you wish." Her words brought my vision back to her direction.
She's offering a free meal?
It's a trap. I tightened my jaw.
I didn't expect that...
Nothing comes for free.
But -
The muscles in my abdomen tightened involuntarily, pulling a previously numbed pain out of my ribcage.
Silently, I eyed her for a moment, expecting her to add a "...but first I expect this." follow up statement after her offer. I arched an eyebrow, turning my muzzle to the side  and leaned forward slightly but there was nothing directly after. Just... an offer? My brow furrowed in confusion.

"...What do you want from me for it?" I said expectantly, barely moving my lips. I was already thinking about the possibilities of what she'd make me do to earn this. My pride told me to politely decline her gratuitous gesture. Sense told me that I wasn't going to be able to get this chance again for a while. Oh, how could I forget... forget that it was only several moons ago that I had a pack to rely on for sustenance. I wasn't blind to the predicament that I put myself in by leaving, but I didn't think I'd be accepting charity handouts either.

A phantom fire flushed across my face in what would have been a blush of embarrassment and I couldn't help but dip my chin towards my chest a few inches.
I didn't expect to be walking anywhere this soon... I thought as my attention flickered to my chest. My gaze rested on her, patiently waiting on a request.

I speakI thinkDimitri speaks
Table by Rhune. Art by Ink
