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Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

6 Years
Paleo species
03-14-2022, 06:25 PM

Just as the boy didn't have much experience with cats, Taiga didn't have much experience with wolves. There had been no need to interact with them when she had been part of a pride other than to chase them away when they tried to scavenge from the felines hard work. The wolves of this place were a lot more social, which was odd. Taiga hadn't been used to such things, but, having spent so much time in this land now that she was trapped here, she'd become used to it. Since she'd become used to it, the cat expected all wolves to be the same. This guy... he was a little more tight lipped than your average wolf.

Expecting the boy to accept her offer of a free meal, Taiga stood and stretched, first leaning back on her hind legs to stretch out her forelegs, then doing the reverse. The dame's long tail lashed back and forth as she released a pleased groan from the comfort that the stretch brought. Her big body shifted, pointing in the direction that she'd come from so that they could get started. The journey wouldn't be a long one. Just over the next little bump in the terrain. When she looked back at the wolf, however, he didn't seem ready to move at all.

His question brought the woman's pink nose to wrinkling at the corner. What did she want from him? A misty huff ghosted from the lioness's nares and she gave her head a shake. "For you to hurry so that the scavengers leave you more than just skin and bones to chew on." What kind of place did he come from where one so young was so distrustful? He couldn't be much more than a yearling, she wagered. Taiga had a mind to wait for this father of his just to see what kind of wolf he was.

"Well?" The spotted cat gave a pull of her skull, motioning for the boy to get on his paws so that they could get moving. It was night and the sky was bright. Perfect atmosphere for traveling. The sound of hooves pounding the tundra brought the cat's claret gaze shifting to the horizon. "Or we could get you something fresh." Caribou were easy. All the wolf had to do was run the herd to an ambush point and Taiga would do the rest. One well muscled shoulder lifted in a shrug. "Up to you."

Taiga is a Panthera Spelaea- a Cave Lion.

She stands 63" at the shoulder and weighs a whopping 700 lbs.