
You Went Away



03-04-2013, 03:56 PM
Imagine her surprise when the male on her mind appeared before her, calling her name in the most painfully gentle of tones. The white brute bowed to her - and she was confused for a moment, the respect not something that she had expected from him first thing. Did he already know about her rank shift within Valhalla? The yearling blinked, watching him carefully, not quite sure what to say to him first thing. She was agitated with him, and a part of her wanted to simply belittle him the way that he had her. The thought was enough to put a small frown on her dark lips, and she sighed with her response. "Demonio." Yet there was a spark of mischeif within her words, teasing - because no matter how upset she was at the brute he was just too polite for her to be rude with. There was simply no reason. "Imagine meeting you out here." Yes, imagine. Where had he gone that was so important that he would wander off without even a word of goodbye.

"You smell of a new pack, as well as a new woman." Ah, well that explained it. He didn't even need to go into detail if he didn't want to. A male was nothing without his prized dame, and as she was only a yearling she was nothing in comparison and never would be. Pity, he was interesting enough to take on as a friend but it seemed that his mind was preoccupied. As for the pack, it smelled familiar - like the place the little girl that she had taken home did. Tikaani's little russet face flashed in her mind and her expression softened ever so slightly. "I do hope that Tortuga is treating you well." She smiled, just barely an upward curve to her lips now - but it seemed that she wasn't as sharp with him as she was moments ago. Yet she still wanted to hear from him what had happened, why he had left, why she wasn't important enough to say goodbye.

It was becoming apparent to her that she was jealous. Not necessarily of Demonio himself - he was polite and pleasant company but she wouldn't place her feelings as that of longing or loss. It was more that he had blown her off, and that he had blown her off for who could quite possibly be his mate, much like her eldest brother did and had to. With Collision she dealt with it herself, ignoring it until she could look both he and Soliel in the eye and ignore the nagging feeling of being less important. She hated doing it with a stranger as well. "When did you decide to leave? You didn't show up at the meeting - Collision was willing to give you a rank to start. He trusted you." 'I trusted you.' And she felt like a fool for doing so.

"Talk like this."
ooc: She's a little pissy, but I'm sure it will wear off c: