
Keep That Fire Burning

Alastor <3



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
03-14-2022, 08:08 PM
With the responsibilities of the pack and their family on their shoulders they couldn't take the long and meandering vacation that they might have wanted and she couldn't have the fun of torturing her dear husband with her heat the way she did last year in their spree of killing and fighting, but that didn't meant that she didn't want to get away and enjoy some time alone with with Alastor all the same. With Ara, Poe, Avacyn, and Saracyn placed in charge of keeping the pack safe for a week or so while they went on a trip to savor the making of their next litter, Manea led Alastor down through Boreas with frequent stops to ravage each other and paint a trail of blood with their usual hunts and fights with various predators. They passed by their neighboring packs, spent a night in their old home in the prairie for old time's sake, and then crossed over the bifrost into Auster. As they skirted the borders of The Hallows she considered the offer Artorias had given her of hosting them for a vacation in Auster, but for now she kept them moving on past the castle dwelling pack. Perhaps they would make a stop on their way back, she decided.

It was late in the afternoon when they reached the falls that she had picked as one of their destinations. The approaching sunset painted the world in colors of oranges and purples, the colors gleaming off of the waterfall itself and making the pool at the bottom reflect darker hues of red and purple as well. It was a beautiful, picturesque landscape to be sure, but that wasn't the main reason she had brought them here. Her side leaned into Alastor's and she grinned as she nibbled along his jaw. "Just a bit further, my demon," she purred before she slid past him, her tail flicking across his cheek as she went and tempting him forward as she began to climb the slope that would lead them up to the top of the cliff and the plateau at the top where the roaring waterfall fell from at its peak. The terrain wasn't too difficult, certainly not when compared to the mountainous terrain of their island home, but it was still a bit of a climb. She couldn't resist teasing and tempting Alastor a bit as they went, either with swipes and flicks of her tail or slowing to be beside him so that she could kiss and nibble along his neck. No matter how how well he kept her satisfied and well fucked on their trip here she was still as insatiable as ever with her ever present heat—and probably would be until that heat was properly extinguished.

Once they were at the top of the cliffs, she walked over to the far edge that overlooked the ocean on the other side of the plateau and came to a stop with the cool breeze blowing off of the water and up the cliff face. It brought the salty scent of the ocean with it and gently ruffled their fur. From here they could see The Hallows castle in the distance, the glowing beach of the Shimmering Shore down below, and off course they could watch the sun as it continued to sink down toward the horizon. She grinned as she looked back at Alastor over her shoulder, her tail swaying gently behind her. What do you think? Quite the view, hm?" she asked him, wondering if he'd even bother with the view and instead keep all of his attention on her with his wonderful one track mind.

"Manea Mendacium"