
tell me that you need me


10-03-2013, 02:48 AM
For Wynn c: hope you like <3

"I hear your voice on the wind...and I hear you call out my name..." She was in a quiet and fiery mood tonight. The words she sang across the breezes were from a song that had haunted her mind for so long, it was a habit to sing the lyrics that fell from her lips. As she sang them, Eria's eyes were lit with a flame that danced within her soul and wanted to shine from any orifices that would allow any exits. The energy that seemed to seep from her very body was an aura that shined around her as she continued to stroll in some unknown direction. The answer for these sudden changes in her usually quiet personality was simple: Eria was in heat.
Winter had approached before she knew it and with it came the time of her life when her body would be preparing her for the potential idea of motherhood. Her internal organs were getting ready, causing her hormone levels to be out of whack and making her yearn for something -- or someone -- to help her control them. Even as she walked across the cold ground with a steady rhythm, she was thinking of jumping out of her skin.
A ray of hope seemed to introduce itself as she thought about leaving her physical being to avoid the agony any longer. It was a howl, one that was filled with longing and desiring company. Her prayer was answered, she hoped, and with that fire still burning in her eyes, she padded in the direction of the source. Her paws increased their pace when she realized that she was getting closer than she had been before. After stepping from the trees, she caught sight of him.
The light from the moon shined across his pelt, bringing out his facial features and the eyes that sparkled with a certain sadness. Her oceanic blue eyes were drawn to them, drinking in the pools of light that shined against his dark pelt. Her blue-and-black pelt shimmered in the wind, making similarly colored waves dance across her form. She did the polite thing and slowly tossed her head back, alto tones responding to his call. A slight flick of her tail followed and she continued to watch him as her response faded.
