
Know your limits

Kichi - Autumn Seasonal



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOoze ImmuneThe Ooze Participant
03-15-2022, 07:06 PM

A hero was coming to save Saracyn!  A proud and mighty fighter charged forward to defend Saracyn.  It had to look like a joke!  The tiny water deer ran towards the giant bear and pinned wolf, the deer’s lips pulled back to actually snarl at the bear as it barked its best threatening call.  The little deer seemed obvious to the size difference or odds as it came up.  It ran straight to where Saracyn tried to find off bear paw, the little deer’s fangs sinking into the bear paw.  Torch clenched his eyes shut a moment squeezing with all he was worth to sprout a bit of blood from the sensitive paw.  The deer was whacked away, sent flying with its lighter body, sharp bark of pain.  It wasn’t much of an opening for Saracyn but at least there was a second of relief from the bear’s attack.

Torch’s attack also gave Kichi his opening.  Kichi ran towards the bear, rage growing with every beat of his heart.  It was trying to kill Saracyn, a moment later it throw Torch off to the side.  Kichi saw nothing else around them, heard no sound over the beating of his heart, all his attention was on the damned bear.  It had to die and it had to feel pain.

Kichi lunged up, biting into the bear’s sensitive ear.  He needed its attention off Saracyn and both for a distraction and for Kichi’s pleasure the ear was easier to sink fangs into deeper, more sensitive, and fun to rip off!  The most important part worked, the bear roared in pain turning to focus on Kichi, roaring as if it could intimidate the grey wolf.  Kichi shook his head and was rewarded with a bit of the bear’s ear ripping free.

The bear charged Kichi and it would have been smart to get away but Kichi wanted it to suffer.  Kichi leaped over a swipe with the paw, attempting to bite the bear where he saw Saracyn had bit it earlier.  His teeth tasted the fur around the injury but even as he planned to go in deeper he heard the weak warning bark of Torch and Kichi spun back, mostly escaping the bear’s paw, feeling its nails raking along the lower portion of his back.  The wounds weren’t deep miraculously but he could feel some blood sliding out.

Kichi wanted to fight more but he saw Saracyn’s situation and Torch.  Kichi stood between Saracyn and bear, snarling but not attacking.  He wouldn’t let Alastor’s son die but he stalled in the fight for now.  The bear and wolf size each other up.  “Let’s go,” he muttered softly to Saracyn, “We can kill him later, on our terms.”  

The bear roared a warning that if they didn’t flee from it soon he’d attack again.  “Torch, go on, get home.”  

The little deer was trotting but there was a limp in its step.  Oh hell, Kichi wanted to gut the bear, spill out its intestines, tie them in knots.  He wanted to rip the bastard to pieces for what it had done.  He wanted to taste more of its blood in his mouth.  Not now.  They’d find him later.

WC 536
Total 2180
