
Honing The Weapons



10-03-2013, 05:34 AM

Green eyes watched with lit curiosity as he wondered what the hoofed beast would do. He had never sparred with a horse before, and his ever present grin would remain plastered on his face at the thought of a challenging duel. Narrowed eyes watched through slitted pupils as his opponent made a move. She charged at him, banking to his left. Her speed surprised him, though it was to be expected. Before he knew it, her head slammed into his side in an attempt to bowl him over, and indeed it would work. But not before Caerul whipped his head towards her face as she did, an attempt in scoring his teeth against the side of her face that hit him. He was sure it would leave some sort of shallow string of cuts, but he wouldn't be sure until after this fight. Her attack would send him rolling across the ground a few feet to the right, dust clouds rising up like a thick fog. Dazed for a moment, he would see just barely through the dust cloud, the pounding of her hooves atop the hardened soil the only indication of where her location could be.
He rolled onto his feet, eyes narrowed as he scented out her position. Teeth were bared in a snarl, ears flat to keep out the dust and the embedding of her teeth. He pitched forward in a rush, leaping from the dust cloud at her for an assault. He banked to her right, attempting to keep away from her front as there would be no chance of him reaching her throat. The man would utilize the horses own strength, speed. He kept his body low, knees lowered, nails digging into soil for traction. In a mad rush he would catapault himself underneath her, hind legs pushing him like a bullet. Hoping that she wouldn't move fast enough before he was able to attempt to pull this off. He would skid to a slight halt, spreading his legs for balance and would attempt to bite at her belly. If his attack worked, then he would grasp what he could in a quick manner or at least try and cause some pain. He was aware of the potential danger he put himself in by being where he was, but he figured he could at least attempt to stay underneath her and avoid as much of her hooves as possible. After all, he was sure it didn't leave much force enough for her to trample at a full charge.

After his initial attack, he would make an attempt to try and slow her movements by grasping onto her hind left fetlock/ankle(Not exactly sure what to call it) by wrapping his teeth around it and attempt to pull her leg underneath her and towards him. He was aware of the potential danger, but he hoped it would land. At least then it could potentially slow her movement some. His shoulders would remain tucked as he lunged forward, his scruff would bunch should she decide to kick at the back of his neck or that general areas, adding at least some protection, his toes splayed for balance, tail tucked underneath his body should the beast decide to bite at it. He hoped he would hit his mark, and if all else failed then he would do what he could to avoid being pounded into the ground. Though with this attack, he aimed to grab on and drag her down.

Fight Stats

Round: 1/4

Defenses: Eyes narrowed, ears flat, teeth bared in a snarl, Body lowered, nails dug in the ground for traction, knees bent, body lowered, legs spread for balance, toes splayed, shoulders tucked, scruff scrunched.

Attacks: Banks to her right side in an attempt to get underneath her to bite at her belly to cause some pain. Secondary attack should that fail will be an attempt to bite at her fetlock/ankle and pull the leg under her/towards him and hold to slow her movements and/or drag her down. (Though i'm trying not to cause too much/or severe leg damage as per Bri's request :3)

Injuries: will have hardcore bruising from Obsidians hammerhead attack, plus light bruising elsewhere on his body from the force of the roll caused by the attack. x3

Out Of Character Notes: I think this is the best I can do for my first spar with a horse XD This post has taken me more then 2hrs trying ro figure out what to do lol as well as trying not to do too much or severe damages to her legs as per your request bri <3

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think