
Love I Was Wounded For You


10-03-2013, 07:29 AM
Confusion crossed midnights features for a moment when the male spoke either he was incredibly proud or he had just paid her a complement neither seemed right to her way of thinking but she returned his half smile with one of her own. Her ears flickered slightly but she could still hear little over the fall of the water, her golden eyes flickered somewhat glancing off to the right before turning back to the brute.

Her muscles tensed as he moved but relaxed again as he turned to face the water, his question to made her pause, and she thought for a moment,? I could well ask you the same question,? she commented, ?i guess I just wanted to get out for a while, take a swim,? she paused again for a moment looking him over once more before settling her hinds to the ground she began to groom again, ?and no its no bother to me if you wish to stay, though you still haven't answered my question, or do you not have a name,? a slight teasing tone entered her own voice as she glanced up from under her eyebrows a small smile crossing her lips. A part of her hoped he wouldn't leave yes he was a stranger but he seemed friendly enough. 'and the views not bad,' her mind insisted she almost laughed out loud but she had to admit it wasn't. She had only had experience with two other males for a long time. One gargoyle was the chief of there little tribe he had his wife and she was happy for the and their kith the other awaken, she felt a slight twinge, now had his own wife and litter. She let out a little sigh and focused on the task at hand still keeping watch from the corner of her eye.

Her fur was getting thicker with winter just around the turn she would need it, the beach was certainly not as cold as the mountains had been but it could still be bitter. Smiling slightly she positioned the last of her fur feeling better controlled she turned her attention back to the other wolf.