
Let it be



10-03-2013, 07:37 AM

Who would have thought the queen herself would show up at a time like this. I gave a small smile, I understood how tough times were at the moment. After all, Glaciem seemed to be causing all sorts of trouble with their king. Ever since I figured out my son was a part of Tortuga. Things quickly came to my realization that I was beginning to settle again and I was determined to make sure the devils kept where they belonged chained to hell. Kurai poked his head out of the snow as I stood myself up and dipped my head towards Epiphron. I had to remember too, that Arian was my cousin. I was more than happy to discover my family was doing well, it was no wonder there were so many though. My father wasn't exactly, mr.right before I had killed him. Much to my regret of taking life, but it was for the best anyway. Grabbing the half of rabbit in my jaws, I offered it towards her. "You can call me Riv if you want. It's a pleasure to meet you Epiphron." I honestly wish I could give her some sense of consoling as to the situation. After being so used to leading a group of rogue, that were a large family of mine, who had the mentality of a kingdom. That was why I was so adapted to Seracia so quickly. Honestly it bothered me, the best I could do was offer my services but I wasn't used to being so 'restricted' as one would call it.
Kurai hopping over stood in the snow by my side. Dipping his head to the queen, as I sat myself down again. "What brings you around here at this hour my queen?" I asked, not knowing how to really break the ice. I could say a lot of things, like how Arian was my cousin. Or how I was mildly worried for everyone with Glaciem. Even though Seracia had strong alliances, we should have been fine. There was no telling what could happen though. "Are your pups doing well?" There, that was the choice of words I needed. It wasn't to subtle, but then I could ease into the many things I wanted to ask, and wanted to get across. Kurai let out a small foxy purr before splaying himself out in the snow on his stomach. It was a bit funny, but I tried not to laugh.
