
I Think We're Close Enough




4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
03-18-2022, 09:38 PM

Relm heard him, but she didn't feel like Elysium was home. It wasn't only because of Manea or maybe other unwelcoming residents. Her home was cliche, where her heart was. With Kichi and with Alastor. She may have never really felt like she fit right or at all in Elysium. But she couldn't imagine being anywhere where they weren't. She was finally able to take a breath based off the death of her father, and explore and find herself and what she wanted. She may not have really known that for sure either, but this felt right.

It was... something she couldn't and wouldn't voice. The sense of saying something to hurt Alastor, even with the chance it wouldn't, she wouldn't even consider the words. She guessed she didn't want him to worry. She didn't want to call Manea out. She just wanted everything to stay the way it was, right now. She wished she could change the way she felt physically, but that would take time or maybe she'd always be this way. His paw pulled upwards of her body, making her breath leave her body in just a tiny bit of relief, but she didn't get any better as his paw brushed against her cheek. Emotionally she knew this is what she wanted, physically she was fighting it. It was frustrating and upsetting to her, not that she was shining those feelings brightly. Her face moved carefully on the padded fur of his chest as he held her, trying to make her a pillow and just wanting to revel in what he offered her. It wasn't easy.

There was each a part of her that wanted to stay here and was also ready to leave when he suggested, and she went with the later. This time. She couldn't believe that she would really get any better as time went on, and she'd still be just the way she was. "Yeah." She stayed for just a few more seconds, her eyes roaming downwards of Alastor's chest and body and the water that was surrounding him, maybe just trying to take the good moment in to remember. All of it was good though. It was just her overreactive brain she was beating down and blaming. She carefully went to remove herself from him, water pooling off of her as she made it to shore and shook off. His wouldn't be so easy. She looked at him for another moment, holding in the thank you that was on her mind because it just kind of felt weird to say. He'd probably understand where it was coming from, solely emotional and not just for the fuck. But she still kept it to herself before turning back towards Elysium to head to the island with him.

F2U base by AshKatu