
Two different roads[Nibel]


10-03-2013, 08:26 AM

I barely registered the cold as I trudged on. The ground had taken an almost gelatinous quality that might?ve irritated me more had I not other priorities keeping my attention away from my waning mobility. I needed a plan. Winter had, at long last begun and with its arrival were the universal symptoms of a long, arduous time ahead. Herds would move beyond the now barren moors in search of greener pastures, taking with them the consistency of which wolves could eat. And if the pack wolves would be taxed by winter?s grip there was little hope for me as a vagrant with no allies to rely on.

By now my coat was mangled with sludge that only a proper dip in a lake would cure. I made a face at that particular thought. I wasn't too much fond of death by hypothermia any more than eventual starvation. There was no way I was getting in the water now, dirt be damned. I?d hate it when it crusted into clumps but frankly there were worse things that could happen to me. As it were many of the consequences in being a rogue were near lethal in their own right so yes, I could ignore this for the moment.

It took forever but eventually I found a small patch of earth that didn?t suck my paws into the ground. I paused, not because I was tired but because there were voices. Normally when someone starts hearing things they were mentally beyond redemption but as it turned out I fully acknowledged my budding insanity and was better for it. Who knew you could function so well when the little voices made impossible demands of you?

A quick inhale didn?t afford much information, I was upwind and whatever currents flitting around blew my own scent down onto whoever else found themselves trudging through the muck. I had a couple of minutes to decide what to do. On the off chance that this territory was pack owned ? which I severely doubted, nobody would want to live in this tar pit ? I might be run out. Emphasis on might. I was in no mood to be corralled right now. But now I was getting ahead of myself, it was equally possible that whoever (assuming that I wasn?t totally batshit) was out there was a wayfarer like myself.

Given the situation I decided it was better to live in the moment. If I got into a fight I could eat them and stash the remains, if not I might gain some worthwhile information?and then still possibly eat them and stash the remains.

Turning my head to the side I listened for the approaching duo and was gladdened to hear their movements drawing nearer. Deciding I?d idled enough on my little island of dirt I pursued them, coming upon two significantly different shapes. A female and a fox, interesting? I caught the tail-end of the fox?s remark, ?Try being my size and walking through this stuff. I sink like a stone in water.? I chuckled, keeping my distance as I inspected the pair. ?Afternoon travelers, or are you? No, you look a bit too well fed to be rogues. Pack members maybe?? I queried kindly.
