
Have a Little Fun




Expert Fighter (185)

Expert Navigator (225)

8 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022WealthyOoh La LaBy the skin of my teeth
03-19-2022, 07:41 PM
Onward and onward Maverick ran as fast as his legs could carry him. Venom was fast and nimble, and he would need to be at his peak to keep ahead of her and outwit her. He didn't mind sacrificing a bit of his breath during the pursuit to tease and taunt her, enjoying their game of cat and mouse and the reactions he had been able to coax from her far too much to quit now. He hadn't been keeping a close eye on Venom's progress behind him during his acrobatic stunts to gain a lead over her, so when he turned to look back and see how she'd fared with the same maneuvers, he was surprised to find no one behind him. Gradually, the brute began to slow his gait, peering around to try and find where she had gone to as he continued to move parallel to the Ashen border. Had she given up and abandoned him? Had Venom decided to cut the game short and go on about her day? Gods, he'd known she was a bit uptight, but was she really that much of a stick in the mud?

While Maverick was trying to figure out where the Ashen alpha had gone to, a sudden explosive rustling in the woods to his side caught his attention, but by the time he turned to look it was already too late. The next thing he saw was a pair of white-gloved paws shooting towards him, and then the weight of another wolf collided with his side. Despite being larger than her, Venom had caught him off guard and unawares, leading to him stumbling as she impacted him. The world spun, his back met the leaf-littered ground, and they were tumbling about on the ground. Maverick tried to use the momentum and his weight to flip Venom over mid-tumble and wind up on top, but it was to no avail. The rolling wolves ended up with Maverick pinned to the ground beneath Venom's lighter weight, held down by the she-wolf's body sprawled across his almost as graceful as she had been on her paws, more akin to draped over his toned form than looking like they'd been in a crash.

Maverick was breathing hard and panting as he lay sprawled across the grass, a giddy and playful grin stretched across his muzzle while he gazed up at the blue sky through the canopy of the forest. "Okay, okay, you win! You caught me," he surrendered with a raise of his paws up to his head and a laugh. "Fuck, you're fast! Still gave you a run for your money though, Your Highness." Eyes sparkling mischievously, Maverick flashed a pearly, tooth-filled smile up to Venom, doing his best to resist letting his eyes roam over her body again while he hid just how much he was actually enjoying having the voluptuous fae across and over top of him, the lecherous horndog that he was.

As his mate, Venom may enter his threads not marked as Private.