
wow, that hurts




Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
OverachieverCritical Observation!Halloween 2020 - Witches HutBeevent1K
03-19-2022, 08:08 PM

Already the small hut was getting cramped, with six rapidly growing bodies… or well, five. Sedna was still worried about little Fuji, but despite her demure height, she seemed to be holding her own and there wasn’t much else the Archer could do to speed up her growth to give her a chance of catching up. She was already extricating herself from the snuggly cuddle pile now the children were fed and napping again. In the next few days their eyes would begin to crack open and their tiny ears would unfold. She hoped that Raijin wouldn’t be too much longer in getting back.

She had been told a larger home was being built for them further in the Bamboo, and she felt terrible that the task had fallen to others. Honestly, she would be happy to do it herself, but with a shortage of babysitters and stores of medicinal herbs to build up before winter set in and even basics like slipping out to pee or grab a drink being a struggle at the moment, well, she honestly didn’t even have time to check on it’s progress.

At the mention of her name, she looked to the door questioningly. Otis grumbled possessively and placed himself between her and the pups. She rolled her eyes, “Come on in,” she called, catching the faintest tang of blood in the air, she started rifling through what she had on hand, growling a warning to her companion as Otis hissed at the door.


we wear red so they don’t see us bleed
[Image: mangomouse.jpg]