
Stick to what you know



10-03-2013, 10:04 AM

Loccian would listen to the woman, not turning away now as she began to speak. So, she had experienced many deaths. What a shame, the only time one should have seen death was if it was from old age. Her gaze would soften as Riv looked to her, giving a small nod of her head to continue.

The woman went to talk about how two mates of hers had died, was a mother three times, two of them dead and her only one being a boy named Hajime who ran off with her brother, lost a sister to a father who tried to kill her.

The grey woman would lay a paw gently atop Riv's, giving a small nod. It was indeed a lot of suffering, Loccian's came nowhere close. She could imagine the pain she must have felt, the horror to have all this happen. She would hope that this woman could finally find peace here in Alacritia, in the Kingdom of Seracia.

Riv would continue, saying how there was a lot of death in her past and that after her foster father killed her newborn daughter and rapist, he told her to flee and start new which was what brought her here. She wanted to prevent others from feeling what she had endured.

By now the woman had tears running down her cheeks, though it brought back bad memories, Loccian hoped it would help the woman, and perhaps she could be there for her to help her with the new life she has started. She leaned over and gently ran her tongue over a cheek, taking away a few tears. "I am sorry for what has happened to you Miss Riv, nobody should have to experience such pain." She would begin, trying to smile at the woman, trying to show she did care. "I will help you in these news lands, though my pain is nowhere near to yours, I too want to prevent such things from happening to those around me."

i talk.
i think.
you talk."

Awesome table by Lu <3