
trying to find the right switch




8 Years
03-20-2022, 11:55 PM

The child hadn't known of Fiori, but could Asteria expect her to? No, she hadn't been put off of her quest. She hadn't been put off of her quest yet. No, for now, the star-soaked creature would move forward. She'd continue, all the while exploring. The world here, this Boreas was so strange. A stranger to these lands, though Asteria felt as if she knew them better than she could ever explain or articulate. Selene had spoken of the Mangrove, of the Falls... of how beautiful they were. Fond as she was of beautiful places, Asteria was looking forward to seeing them. That, and she was looking forward to being the closest to having a home that she'd ever really come.

Home. What a concept. All this searching left her a bit lonesome, but that came pretty easily these days. Head held high, back to the breeze, striding carefully through the warm autumn afternoon... lonesome was a good word for what she was feeling. Selene said that Fiori was in the east, but it was occurring to Asteria that Boreas was far larger than she'd even considered. East, but how far east? Sure, she was moving in the direction that the sun had come up this morning, but did she need to go north too? Or south? It was hard to establish her bearings, honestly.

Directions. Asteria would need to ask someone for directions. New as she was here, really, the star-soaked creature was learning. Learning and growing. After a moment of scenting the wind, she was able to catch a stronger scent... packlands. Well, that would be as good a place to find someone to ask as any. That, and they were in the right direction-- east as well. Adjusting her course just a bit, the creature made her way towards what smelled like the pack border, noting the unsettling starkness of the trees as they sprung up before her. Bone white, stark, pale... unlike nothing she'd ever seen before. How strange. Right, the border. Asteria was too distracted by the strange landscape to call out, but she still had the sense to stop and wait at the marked border.
