
Stick to what you know



10-03-2013, 10:48 AM

There was a small thorn picked out of my heart as the woman consoled me. I couldn't help but to be happy, she surprised me to say the least. Feeling her tongue against my cheek, I let out a small girlish chuckle. It just came out without me knowing and before I knew it my tail was flopping against the dirt. I didn't know weather I was happy, or that I was just too tired to care for the moment. Once I realized it, my ears lowered and I cleared my throat. I sniffed and used my free paw to wipe my nose, before raising it again to look at Loccian.
I couldn't thank someone like her enough, ever. I knew I could offer myself, my soul, my protection. The best I could, but that was just it. There was no other way or power for me to do anything. I hated it, but I didn't entirely need it anyway. "Seracia is my home, and I wouldn't leave it behind for anything." That could have been a lie, but that was what I knew at this moment and time.
When it came to feelings, they came and passed by. When it came to me, I had the habit of falling over my paws in the wrong places. Or breaking things, either way, I knew that venting was enough for now. I took in a deep breath and let it out. Feelings coming to pass as I flicked my tail back and forth. That was the end of it wasn't it? Well for now at least.
"I try not to bring it up too much. There are still good things about the world despite all the hurt. Love comes and goes, but still I'm here. Waiting for something to happen." I shrugged my shoulders, lifting them into my center. Laughing, and it was the truth at that. I'd always be the one standing still, and I was alright with that. Even if the world froze over, I would end up being the one staying behind. God had a funny way of working things after all.
