
Get to Know the Neighbors




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
03-21-2022, 11:25 PM

Manea waited patiently to be greeted by whoever might come to greet her at this unknown pack's border. Her aqua gaze roamed over the tangled forest of plants ahead of her, the thicket dense and looked like it might be difficult to traverse if you didn't know the land well enough. It was an interesting location to choose for a pack, though she did suspect that it offered a good amount of cover and potential den locations. She hummed curiously and let her gaze drift away off into he distance while she waited, her mind beginning to wander and think about things she needed to get done around the pack once she got back. They were still getting settled in so there was still plenty of work to be done and she did hope that this visit would be quick, but that was beginning to look questionable.

After a fair bit of waiting she heard movement coming from the brush ahead of her and she brought her gaze back to the pack lands in front of her, letting her gaze land on a monochromatic woman with simple markings that approached her with a friendly enough expression, her dark coat dusted in spots with dust and dirt. There wasn't much that was particularly notable about the smaller woman at first, her black and white markings not striking her one way or another, but the vibrant blue feather behind her ear was memorable and different enough to strike a memory in the back of her mind. The mental image of the loud, rowdy crowd that had gathered behind the earthen-hued ruffian during her challenge for the northern pack was seared into her memory and this woman had been front and center through the entire thing.

The easy, relaxed smile that had been lingering on her lips while she waited remained, but the recognition showed in her eyes with a slight flicker across her expression. The other alpha introduced herself, her title, and the name of her pack, all information that Manea stowed away for future reference. She didn't want to immediately jump to conclusions and opinions of the wolf that aligned herself with someone like the wolf she fought, but it was difficult not to have a sour taste in her mouth. She gave a small shake of her head to the notion of the school that would apparently be open soon, replying, "No, that's not what brings me here. I'm Manea, Genetrix of Elysium. I recently founded my pack and we have taken up residence in the island just north of here. Since your pack is our closest neighbor I wanted to come meet the leader and introduce myself... I do wish this was my first impression of you. Unfortunately it is not."

"Manea Mendacium"