
wish upon a star

nav / patrol



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
03-22-2022, 09:38 AM

Laeta smiled as Audra approached, her bobcat in tow. The duo were perfect for each other, as friends and a guide, much like Laeta and Mel had fallen into place as lifelong friends as well. Her ruby gaze was bright with happiness upon seeing her familiar friend, seeing her tail swing back and forth in a joyful expression as her own white-tipped tail shuffled to and fro itself. She chuckled lightly as she replied, "I’m surprised, myself. I’ve been making so much progress - and seeing a familiar face makes the journey worthwhile." She felt revitalized in a sense - and no doubt her recovery was showing, physically and mentally. She and Audra had experienced so much they ddin’t deserve during the Long Night - long-term damage that might never heal fully, but they could stil find a way to live full lives and move onward.

Laeta nodded to Audra’s next words, speaking of how sleep had evaded her left an understanding sparkle in her own soft eyes. Insomnia was a gentle companion of Lae’s nowadays, much to Mel’s constant worry. She didn’t mean to make him so anxious, but the night was calm, and it seemed an awful waste to leave it for the busy day ahead. At the mention of Tika, she nodded, showing she was listening intently. Come to think of it..when she was still paralyzed, the girl had paid her a visit, asking for a confidential word between them. She swore never to mention her thoughts out loud, for they were private. But she couldn’t help but think that Tika’s frequent patrols might be connected to the anxiety about being a useful knight to the pack she had mentioned to her. She hummed as Audra said she’d take a turn at patrols for once. "That’s kind of you. It does seem like the perfect time for a patrol - hopefully I can resume a few as my strength returns to me," She said herself, glancing towards the grand ruins of the castle, cast in silver pools of moonlight. Oh, how she missed trekking through the land. She’d have her chance again to quench her adventure-thirsty soul.

Laeta chuckled again as Audra winked, saying what she was thinking - and what Mel was certainly thinking as well. Upon mention of his name, Mel sighed heavily, as if it wasn’t the first time he’d had to shuffle out of the castle in the middle of the night to help out his friend. No doubt he didn’t mind, deep inside - he felt a great debt to her, for some reason. However, it didn’t mean it didn’t cause him some lingering worry, as per usual. "Lady Laeta might consider herself a nocturnal creature at this point," He said, tiredly adjusting the monocle on his eye. Laeta smiled brightly, adding as she face her friend, "He’s not wrong. It’s not the first time we’ve been out here at this hour."

Still, something about her uncertain laugh upon mention of Tika’s name did concern her slightly. It was never her place to pry, but she supposed it wouldn’t hurt to simply ask about how the both of them were doing, or her persoective about Tika’s wellbeing. With a soft pause as the croaks and chirps of the plains surrounded them, the older woman inquired, "As a whole, how are you and Tika doing? Have you been enjoying The Hallows with her?" There was no harm in an inquiry, she supposed, but Audra could reply with how much or how little words she wished. There was no pressure - to Laeta, the night was forever young, just as she felt in someway. Even as her bones creaked and her muscles ached fiercely.

”Speech” ’Thought’

comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.