
Headstrong into the Storm



Extra small
10-03-2013, 11:15 AM

Fal'dara was quick and was a bit scared to be out on her own, and though that held a lot of sway over the things she felt and the things she was deciding on, it wasn't going to come close to stopping her when she was actually doing it --seeing this vast world all on her own. a pleasant look decorated her, though not without the minor bit of curiosity daunting her brilliantly glimmering eyes. this world was fascinating and she was discovering everything that she could as fast as she could.

She didn't pick up the scent of another, and so Novella was coming unbeknowest to her. the babe, of course, would not alter her stance, or make any changes to the expression she bore. swimming in the indulgences of the Earth (the flowers and greenery that coated everything) she was only met with a voice, one that spawned quite the reaction from the innocent female. her legs hoisted her up into a jump, her eyes widened a bit, and a yelp of exicement burbled forward. who was this demon? Well....perhaps she wasn't a demon --she was pretty.

"well now i'm tryin' not to be scared to death," her words were spoken so matter of factly and her ears were lightly pressed back against her head. Though, it didn't take long for her to discard what she had been told and move on with her moment in the sun. "I'm esplorin'...for stuff," boy that was something worth explaining; wasn't it? She really had no destination, and so it would be left at that, though regardless of if she had, she didn't know this woman. she could be crazy, couldn't she? All of a sudden she yearned for her mother.