
Lay Down Tonight




4 Years
Chrono I

03-22-2022, 10:33 AM

Just from her secluded time here on the island in her recovery had she known the close knit and family atmosphere of Fenmyre, even given the circumstances of Chimera's own well justified trade. He had made himself a large family, and he held those he loved close to him. Him speaking for keeping them safe was something she would have expected to hear from him.

She didn't see Chimera as a true master, but the way she was raised and trained didn't make her cower or turn away from him as he drew closer. She was probably much different than an average slave, she wasn't meant to show fear, only respect. His paw raised up to her chin, making her just slightly tense but looking him in the eyes was not difficult for her, not when he had something to say. He was met back with an intense and attentive gaze, he had her attention. Before he could release her, she agreed to the right he put on her, "I will give you the honor." Not like she would have had a choice, but really for show of just how much she didn't want to hurt anyone. What he offered her was the best solution. Not hunting with anyone, honestly she wouldn't have wanted to hunt with him either in those conditions. And hurting his family to result in death, it was what she would have deserved. She would come to terms with it.

He went on to ask her of the haze, and it was simply what she had told him. But still meant for a small explanation. "The night you found me on the beach, that was the haze." Her eyes stayed with his while in conversation, it should have been nothing new to him by now. "I won't talk, I won't move, I'll shut down completely and submit. All you have to do is tell me to 'Haze", it will make me stop what I'm doing. 'Break' pulls me back out."
