



10-03-2013, 11:35 AM

A call would spark curiosity in the woman who had been roaming the southern forest, unfamiliar, possibly a wolf looking to join? The woman would change the direction she was going, moving at a steady pace towards the direction the howl had come from. And in no time she could see two figure along the border, King Maverick and a stranger. Though she knew he had this, Loccian had nothing to do at the moment and figured she might as well meet the new member as he was being introduced to the ways of the kingdom.

She would move on, approaching the two, ears flicking at the sound of Maverick's voice asking how he could help the young man.

Loccian would stop beside her king, sitting back on her haunches and curling her tail around her body, grey orbs looking to the red man and dipping her head before turning back to the darker gentleman. She quickly found he was not looking to join, and was in fact the new King of Tortuga in the north. Interesting, perhaps he was looking to ally with Seracia? He explained hat it was abandoned and he decided to build a pack, seeing if Seracia would form an alliance with them.

Loccian would dip her head to the man, forming a small smile for him. "It is a pleasure meeting you Taurig, I am Loccian, Ambassador of Seracia. If my King here agrees to an alliance with your growing pack, and if you do not mind, I would like to offer my services to you. I am the lead healer here, perhaps I could teach some of your members?" A new pack needed healers that knew what they were doing, and this guy didn't seem too bad, if Maveick allowed it she would go and teach the wolves a few things on healing.


Awesome image by Yumpy <3