
Built to Burn



"Certified Best Bird"

The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (305)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

2 Years
Paleo species

Samhain 2022Critical Fail!Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaHomebody1K
03-23-2022, 05:30 PM
Zephyr's education was advancing quickly, though it was difficult to focus upon the answers when he had just so many questions! Winter was still a confusing thought - and he felt like they circled back to 'then why do you have fur if feathers protect you fine!', in discussing the different coverings upon their bodies - but Briar's presence brought forward new lines of questioning that were much more important.

Artorias explained to the female who he was and where he'd been found, and the chick's chest puffed up proudly at the mention of his battle with the eagle and how brave he was to stand against it. "Artorias cut him in half!" The chick explained matter-of-factly to the tawny female, sharing the praise between them. As Briar stepped closer and introduced herself, Zephyr struggled to focus upon anything but the antlers protruding from her skull. Her coloring was so much different than the male's was and her tail was long enough that Zeph was sure if he stood on it, it could drag him along the floor with her. She'd explained that wolves came in lots of shapes and sizes and he nodded, blinking slowly in wonder and confusion. What else could a wolf look like?

Her introduction was polite and Zephyr mimicked it with a shy "It's nice to meet you too," glancing back to Artorias for approval and confirmation that they would be seeing a lot of each other. "Do you live in the castle?" He asked, using the word Artorias had given him moments before. It was a huge castle, it made sense that more than one wolf lived within it.

Her paw came up to smooth his chest and his body shuddered happily against the gentle touch. "Are we family now?" The raptor asked softly, blinking up at the wolves. Zeph's barn owl mother had preened his feathers for him each day and it was the greatest gesture of affection the young chick knew - something reserved for parents and their chicks, or mates when a bird grew older. Wolves did not have the beaks necessary for properly aligning the feathered barbs, but it did not lessen the impact of the gesture to the young raptor.

Zephyrus is a young Argentavis Magnificens. He is 6'4" (77") with a wingspan of 21'6" (258").

Zephyr has a binturong named Frigg with dexterous (mutated) paws, a cottonmouth snake named Wraith with enhanced (mutated) infrared sight,
and a violent and unpredictable honey badger named Thor.
While threading outside of Hallows' territory, you can assume his companions are always nearby.

Artorias and Briar are welcome in any of his threads regardless of tag while he is underage.