
Blood of my blood

for Ali <3

Eris II

03-24-2022, 08:47 AM
Well, she wanted to leave now, the place wasn't too appetizing for the two faced woman. But the man was indeed a curious being, his shape was beyond anything she was used to find in a wolf. But a wolf still, in the most part right? "I am from Hieroria. Far away from here." Well she was indeed very far from home, to an unknown place. "What abou' you?" Not like it was her necessity to know but out of courtesy. The little she had."Eris Dysma." She dropped her name, because yes.

Her expression gave no hints of her actual emotions, she had this resting bitch face all the time, to the point of doing it without thinking. But deep inside a wild and sassy nature rested, ready to come out whenever someone pissed her off and she never held regrets when she let it out. "Does this place have a name?" She asked hoping the male would know so she knew where not to go. All she saw was barren lands, dusty and with dead trees everywhere.

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